The footpaths and bridleway network around Chepstow and the Lower Wye Valley is the lifeblood of the local tourism industry and a vital asset for local residents, but keeping the paths in good condition is a major undertaking, made all the more challenging by lack of maintenance during Covid lockdowns and ongoing funding prioritisation challenges within Local Authorities.
The scope of the responsibilities and work of the Local Authorities in this area can be explored further via their websites:
The scope of the responsibilities and work of the Local Authorities in this area can be explored further via their websites:
Volunteers have long been involved in supporting the Countryside Teams by monitoring 'promoted' trails (e.g. The Wales Coast Path, Wye Valley Walk, Offa's Dyke Trail, Gloucestershire Way), surveying Public Rights of Way (PROWs), reporting on any remedial work needed, and undertaking maintenance work to allow Countryside teams to focus on tasks that require specialist skills, such as using machinery, replacing large path furniture, dealing with hazards such as fallen trees and enforcement actions.
How can I help?
There are a few ways to get involved. Here in Chepstow, local sections of the promoted trails are monitored by individual volunteers working directly with MonLife or GCC, and Keep Chepstow Tidy organise regular litterpicks to keep town streets in good condition.
Pre-Covid, Chepstow Walkers are Welcome organised pathcare work sessions and our Pathcare Group have agreed with MonLife to coordinate a group which is taking on a less-walked and less-maintained cluster of paths just to the west of town which are well overdue for attention. We're currently recruiting volunteers to help with this work and if you can spare a little time and would like to find out more please get in touch with us via our Contact Us page.
Registered members of the CWaW Pathcare Group can access further information and resources here.
Registered members of the CWaW Pathcare Group can access further information and resources here.
I've found a path problem - what do I do?
Both Monmouthshire and Gloucestershire County Councils have online systems for reporting issues with paths and trails, whether overgrown vegetation, hazards such as broken furniture and fallen trees or issues/blockages that require enforcement action. Reports are assessed and added to a database from where remedial action can be prioritised and tasks allocated to the most appropriate team, including local volunteer groups, for action.
Use the following links to report a PROW issue:
Use the following links to report a PROW issue: